01765nam 2200385Ia 450 99638534210331620200824132314.0(CKB)4940000000074753(EEBO)2248528433(OCoLC)ocm12043613e(OCoLC)12043613(EXLCZ)99494000000007475319850516d1678 uy 1engurbn||||a|bb|Clelia, an excellent new romance[electronic resource] the whole work in five parts, dedicated to Mademoiselle de Longueville /written in French by the exquisite pen of Monsieur de Scudery, governour of Nostredame de la GardeLondon Printed and are to be sold by H. Herringman, D. Newman, T. Cockerel, S. Heyrick, W. Cadman, S. Loundes, G. Marriot, W. Crook, and C. Smith1678[9], 327 [i.e. 331], [4], 217-544 [i.e. 548], 553-736 p. port., 1 fold. mapTranslation of Clelie.Parts 1-3 translated by John Davies and 4-5 by G.H. [i.e. George Havers].Each part also has special t.p., that of pt. 4-5 dated 1677. Imprint varies: pt. 2-4, Printed for Dorman Newman and Thomas Cockerel.--pt. 5, Printed for Henry Herringman ...Dedication of pt. 2-3 signed: J. Davies, that of pt. 4 signed: G.H., of pt. 5: G. Havers.Reproduction of original in Huntington Library.eebo-0113Scudéry Madeleine de1607-1701.403267Davies John1625-1693.1001362Havers G(George)1008307EAAEAAm/cWaOLNBOOK996385342103316Clelia, an excellent new romance2422258UNISA