01304nam 2200337Ia 450 99638463220331620200824132832.0(CKB)4940000000073821(EEBO)2240857931(OCoLC)ocm11839506e(OCoLC)11839506(EXLCZ)99494000000007382119850323d1690 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The last paper of advice from Ireland[electronic resource] giving an account of the posture of affairs as they now stand in that kingdom, both with relation to the Irish forces, and the distressed Protestants in their hands : as also the happy proceedings and successes of the English Army there in this month of April, in a letter from Chester, dated April 19, 1690London Printed for D. Newman ...16901 sheet (2 p.)Broadside.Caption title.Reproduction of original in Bodleian Library.eebo-0014IrelandHistoryWar of 1689-1691BroadsidesEnglandLondon17th centuryrbgenrEAAEAAWaOLNBOOK996384632203316The last paper of advice from Ireland2316710UNISA