01149nam 2200289 n 450 99638462550331620200824121608.0(CKB)4940000000069123(EEBO)2264176347(UnM)99835180_39846e(UnM)99835180_39846(EXLCZ)99494000000006912319860530d1691 uh |engurbn||||a|bb|Acts of sederunt of the Lords of the session, past since February 1681[electronic resource]Edinburgh printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to Their most Excellent Majestiesanno Dom. 1691[4] pIdentified as Wing S1171 (cancelled in Wing (CD-ROM, 1996)) on reel 1047.Reproductions of the originals in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (reel 1047), and the Harvard University Law Library (reel 1898).eebo-0061ScotlandHistory1660-1688Cu-RivESBOOK996384625503316Acts of sederunt of the Lords of the session, past since February 16812297438UNISA