03658oam 2200613I 450 991045548580332120170822133223.01-56324-126-91-315-70416-10-585-19232-410.4324/9781315704166 (CKB)111004365781566(EBL)2055055(OCoLC)910069796(SSID)ssj0000159548(PQKBManifestationID)12037150(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000159548(PQKBWorkID)10151872(PQKB)10671724(MiAaPQ)EBC3569160(OCoLC)958106890(EXLCZ)9911100436578156620180706e20151993 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrFruits of her plume essays on contemporary Russian woman's culture /edited by Helena GosciloLondon ;New York :Routledge,2015, c1993.1 online resource (320 p.)First published 1993 by M.E. Sharpe.1-317-47003-6 1-56324-125-0 ""Cover""; ""Half Title""; ""Title Page""; ""Copyright Page""; ""Dedication""; ""Table of Contents""; ""List of Photographs""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""About the Editor and Contributors""; ""Introduction""; ""1 Bakhtin and Women A Nontopic with Immense Implications""; ""2 Bakhtin's Concept of the Grotesque and the Art of Petrushevskaia and Tolstaia""; ""3 Soviet Russian Women's Literature in the Early 1980s""; ""4 The Poetics of Banality Tat'iana Tolstaia, Lana Gogoberidze, and Larisa Zvezdochetova""; ""5 The Creation of Nadezhda Iakovlevna Mandel'shtam""""6 The Canon and the Backward Glance Akhmatova, Lisnianskaia, Petrovykh, Nikolaeva""""7 Speaking Bodies Erotic Zones Rhetoricized""; ""8 Games Women Play The ""Erotic"" Prose of Valeriia Narbikova""; ""9 Happy Never After The Work of Viktoriia Tokareva and Glasnost'""; ""10 ""Leaving Paradise"" and Perestroika A Week Like Any Other and Memorial Day by Natal'ia Baranskaia""; ""11 Iuliia Voznesenskaia's Women With Love and Squalor""; ""12 The Heartfelt Poetry of Elena Shvarts""; ""13 Reflections, Crooked Mirrors, Magic Theaters Tat'iana Tolstaia's ""Peters""""; ""Index""The 1980s witnessed the ascendency of Russian women in multiple spheres of artistic creation, including literature, film, and painting. This volume may thus be said to engage not only women's artistic production but, indeed, the best and most colourful of recent Russian culture. Treating contemporary Russian women's creativity, it approaches women's texts, films, and canvasses from a range of perspectives, from anti-gendered to feminist. Some of the essays introduce writers not previously well studied, others challenge conventional interpretations and assumptions, while still others yield origRussian literatureWomen authorsHistory and criticismRussian literature20th centuryHistory and criticismWomen and literatureRussia (Federation)History20th centuryRussia (Federation)Intellectual lifeElectronic books.Russian literatureWomen authorsHistory and criticism.Russian literatureHistory and criticism.Women and literatureHistory891.70992870904Goscilo Helena1945-880358MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455485803321Fruits of her plume2165218UNINA01495nam 2200373Ia 450 99638450940331620230303180054.0(CKB)4940000000075555(EEBO)2240961895(OCoLC)ocm12198828e(OCoLC)12198828(EXLCZ)99494000000007555519850625d1681 uy |laturbn#|||a|bb|Bernhardi Varenj Med. D. Geographia generalis[electronic resource] in qua affectiones generales telluris explicantur, summâ curâ quam plurimis in locis emendata, & XXXIII schematibus novis, ære incisis, unà cum tabb. aliquot quæ desiderabantur aucta & illustrata /Ab Isaaco Newton ..Editio secunda auctior & emendatior.Cantabrigiæ ex officina Joann Hayes ..., sumptibus Henrici Dickinson ...1681[32], 511, [1] p., 5 folded leaves of platesWing entry omits Dickinson's name in imprint.Reproduction of original in the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus). Library.eebo-0167GeographyEarly works to 1800GeographyVarenius Bernhardus1622-1650.328468Newton Isaac1642-1727.4135EAAEAAm/cWaOLNBOOK996384509403316Bernhardi Varenj Med. D. Geographia generalis2332703UNISA