01472nam 2200349Ia 450 99638309530331620221108073947.0(CKB)1000000000594828(EEBO)2248499290(OCoLC)08940534(EXLCZ)99100000000059482819821109d1641 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|An exhortation to the restoring of brotherly communion betwixt the Protestant churches[electronic resource] founded in this, that they do not differ in any fundamentall article of the Catholique faithLondon Printed by R.B. for Richard Badger and John Williams1641173 pThis item appears at reel 1281:24 as Wing D359 (number cancelled in Wing 2nd ed.) and at reel 2589:17 as Wing (2nd ed.) D318B.Attributed to John Davenant by Wing.Reproduction of originals in the Union Theological Seminary Library and University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus). Library.eebo-0216IntercommunionInterdenominational cooperationIntercommunion.Interdenominational cooperation.Davenant Johnca. 1572-1641.1001573UMIWaOLNBOOK996383095303316An exhortation to the restoring of brotherly communion betwixt the Protestant churches2306842UNISA