05366nam 2200661 450 99633912520331620190214235049.00-7494-7251-0(CKB)3710000000133928(EBL)1717604(OCoLC)881887425(SSID)ssj0001321709(PQKBManifestationID)11827785(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001321709(PQKBWorkID)11373397(PQKB)11393515(MiAaPQ)EBC1717604(PPN)198681216(EXLCZ)99371000000013392820140711h20142014 uy 0engtxtccrWhat next after school? all you need to know about work, travel and study /Elizabeth Holmes11th ed.London, England :Kogan Page,2014.©20141 online resource (344 p.)Includes index.1-306-89300-3 0-7494-7250-2 Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Part One Career planning; Chapter One Being your own life coach; Life coaching... what does it mean?; Becoming your own life coach; Keeping an eye on the bigger picture; A word about change; Facing problems; Skills for life; Summary; Chapter Two Decisions; Decisions - the issues; Choosing your next steps; Where to go for help; Summary; Chapter Three Career planning; Planning your career and next steps; Tracking progress; Summary; Part Two Education; Chapter Four Looking at education; Reforms affecting 14- to 19-year-oldsThinking about further education Summary; Chapter Five Choices in further education (FE); What to study in FE; Where to study in FE; Summary; Chapter Six Choices in higher education (HE); What to study in HE; The main qualification groups; Choosing a university; Starting your course; Summary; Part Three Work; Chapter Seven Types of work; Getting work at 17; Getting work at 18; Types of work; Summary; Chapter Eight Work experience, job shadowing and work-based training; Work experience; Internships; Apprenticeships; Traineeships; Summary; Chapter Nine Finding and applying for jobsWhat do you want to do? Where to look for vacancies; Applying for jobs; Writing a CV; Making speculative applications; Summary; Chapter Ten Interviews; What are interviews?; Preparing for the big day; The day of the interview; Psychometric testing; Safety; Possible outcomes; Pay; Location; Starting work; Summary; Part Four Travel; Chapter Eleven Studying and working abroad; Travel - is it right for you?; Studying abroad; Working abroad; Summary; Chapter Twelve Taking a gap year and volunteering; A gap year; Volunteering; Coming home; Summary; Part Five Other optionsChapter Thirteen Self-employment and beyond Self-employment; Alternatives; Work-life balance; Summary; Chapter Fourteen Voluntary work; The voluntary sector; Summary; Chapter Fifteen Chapter Fifteen Being unemployed; Unemployment statistics; Jobcentre Plus; Benefits; Summary; Part Six Practical issues; Chapter Sixteen Moving away from home; Living away from home; Summary; Chapter Seventeen Money; Money management; FE and money; HE and money; Your first job and money; Summary; Chapter Eighteen Advice: working with parents and advisers; Careers advice; Special needs and equal opportunitiesSummary Chapter Nineteen Dealing with problems; Feeling down or depressed; Stress; Summary; Part Seven Spotlight on key professions; Chapter Twenty Accountancy; Accountant; Accounting technician; Chapter Twenty-one Actuarial work; Actuary; Chapter Twenty-two Law; Advocate/barrister; Barrister's clerk/advocate's clerk; Court staff; Court administrative officer; Court legal adviser; Court usher; Court reporter; Legal executive; Paralegal; Solicitor; Chapter Twenty-three Nursing professions; Healthcare assistant; Health visitor; Midwife; Nurse; Chapter Twenty-four Social care and social workCare assistantWhat Next After School? has established itself as a key guide for helping students to understand the many options available to them as they approach the end of their school years, including education options (academic as well as vocational training), gap years, the world of work, and practical issues such as finances, debts and insurance. This new 11th edition also includes case studies illustrating how other students have adapted to life after school, as well as detailed information on making the most of the decisions facing all school leavers.Vocational guidanceGreat BritainHigh school graduatesEmploymentHigh school graduatesTravelHigh school graduatesEducationHigh school graduatesSocial conditionsVocational guidanceHigh school graduatesEmployment.High school graduatesTravel.High school graduatesEducation.High school graduatesSocial conditions.331.702Holmes Elizabeth1019280MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996339125203316What next after school2402000UNISA