02814nam 2200481 450 99633911990331620230617010848.01-118-03974-2(CKB)1000000000435044(SSID)ssj0000082801(PQKBManifestationID)11973033(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000082801(PQKBWorkID)10137510(PQKB)10690488(MiAaPQ)EBC699661(MiAaPQ)EBC7123824(Au-PeEL)EBL7123824(EXLCZ)99100000000043504420160816h20042004 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrAmerican Medical Association family medical guide /American Medical AssociationFourth edition completely revised and updated.Hoboken, New Jersey :John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2004.©20041 online resource (2,690 pages) illustrations (some color)Includes index.0-471-26911-5 What you should know: information to keep your healthy -- Staying healthy -- Diet and health -- Exercise, fitness, and health -- A healthy weight -- Reducing stress -- Staying safe -- Preventing violence -- Preventive health care (includes a 32-page 4-color section-regular checkups, self-exams, atlas of the body, dermatology photos, common screening and diagnostic tests (including 4-color imaging scans) -- Complementary and alternative medicine -- First aid and caregiving -- First aid -- Home caregiving -- What are your symptoms? -- Symptoms charts -- Health issues throughout life -- Children's health -- Adolescent health -- Sexuality -- Infertility -- Pregnancy and childbirth -- Dying and death -- Diseases, disorders, and other problems -- Disorders of the heart and circulation -- Blood disorders -- Disorders of the respiratory system -- Disorders of the brain and nervous system -- Behavioral, emotional, and mental disorders -- Disorders of the digestive system -- Disorders of the urinary tract -- Disorders of the male reproductive system -- Disorders of the female reproductive system and urinary tract -- Hormonal disorders -- Disorders of the immune system -- Infections and infestations -- Genetic disorders -- Disorders of the bones, muscles, and joints -- Disorders of the ear -- Eye disorders -- Disorders of the skin, hair, and nails -- Cosmetic surgery -- Teeth and gums.Medicine, PopularMedicine, Popular.613American Medical Association.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996339119903316American Medical Association family medical guide2312925UNISA