05842nam 2200565 450 99633909840331620230721043730.01-61711-672-6(CKB)3780000000079876(EBL)3404688(OCoLC)919499457(SSID)ssj0001059559(PQKBManifestationID)11558486(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001059559(PQKBWorkID)11081360(PQKB)11713525(MiAaPQ)EBC3404688(EXLCZ)99378000000007987620080131h20082008 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCurbside consultation in glaucoma 49 clinical questions /editor, Dale K. Heuer ; associate editors, Steven J. Gedde, Richard A. LewisThorofare, New Jersey :SLACK,[2008]©20081 online resource (260 p.)Curbside consultation in ophthalmologyDescription based upon print version of record.1-55642-832-4 Includes bibliographical references.How frequently does blindness develop among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma? With ocular hypertension -- Does reducing intraocular pressure really prevent development and progression of glaucoma -- What are the most frequent causes of glaucoma-related medical malpractice suits? What can I do to minimize my risk? -- How should I clinically examine the optic nerve -- What imaging device should I use in my practice -- Is there still a role for stereo disc photography in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma -- What visual field tests should I use in my glaucoma suspects? In my patients with manifest glaucoma? -- What is the best method for detecting glaucoma development? Glaucomatous progression? -- What are the implications of disc hemorrhages in glaucoma patients or suspects? How should I follow patients with anomalous optic discs, such as those with optic nerve drusen, tilted discs, myopic discs, and discs with pits? -- How is 24-hour intraocular pressure assessed? Is it important in glaucoma management or risk assessment? -- Should I measure central corneal thickness in all glaucoma patients? All glaucoma suspects? How frequently should I perform follow-up examinations, gonioscopy, visual field testing, and optic nerve evaluation in glaucoma patients? -- In which patients with glaucoma should I perform neuroimaging, cardiovascular evaluation, and/or laboratory testing? When should I suspect nonpupillary block secondary angle-closure? What are the causes? What systemic diseases can be associated with glaucoma?Which patients with ocular hypertension should I treat? -- How should I set a target intraocular pressure? -- How should I begin treatment for a newly diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma patient? -- Are there special issues of which I should be aware regarding pigment dispersion syndrome or pigmentary glaucoma? -- Does exfoliation syndrome increase the risk of developing glaucoma? Are patients with exfoliation glaucoma more likely to progress? What other issues do these patients have? -- How frequent is corticosteroid-induced glaucoma? How should I manage it? -- What methods are available to break an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma? -- How should I manage neovascular glaucoma? -- How should I treat elevated intraocular pressure (with or without glaucoma damage) associated with uveitis? -- What treatment options are available for a blind, painful eye?Is a unilateral trial useful when starting treatment with a glaucoma medication? -- Which glaucoma medications should be used as initial therapy? -- What is a maximum medical therapy in glaucoma management? -- Which glaucoma medications can be safely used during pregnancy? In childhood? -- Is there still a role for miotics in some patients? Oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors? -- How should I treat the glaucoma patient with topical drug allergies? -- How can I improve patient adherence?When should I perform laser trabeculoplasty in my patients with open-angle glaucoma? -- When should I perform a prophylactic laser iridotomy? -- When is laser iridotomy used? -- When is incisional glaucoma surgery indicated? -- What can I do to reduce the risks of complications and failure after trabeculectomy? -- What can I do after trabeculectomy to improve its success rate? -- How do I manage chronic hypotony maculopathy? How soon should I intervene? - What are causes of anterior chamber shallowing after trabeculectomy? -- How should I manage a late-onset bleb leak? -- What factors increase the risk of bleb-related infection? How should I treat blebitis and bleb-related endophthalmitis if it develops? -- In which patients with glaucoma and cataracts should I perform a combined procedure? Cataract surgery alone? Trabeculectomy first? -- What are the indications for placement of an aqueous shunt? -- What is the best surgical approach for managing uncontrolled glaucoma in a patient who had previous cataract extraction or failed filtering surgery? -- Is there a role for nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery? -- What other new surgical techniques are available for glaucoma? -- In which glaucoma patients should I consider cyclodestruction?Curbside consultation in ophthalmology series.GlaucomaMiscellaneaGlaucoma617.7/41Heuer Dale K1019079Gedde Steven J1019080Lewis Richard A.1951-1019081MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996339098403316Curbside consultation in glaucoma2400572UNISA