01939oam 22004573- 450 99632073750331620240424230056.010.33058/seismo.30726(CKB)5340000000058064(OAPEN)1005447(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/37298(EXLCZ)99534000000005806420191001d2019 uy 0geruuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDie Nutzung von Evaluationen in den Schweizer Parlamenten /Daniela EberliSeismo20191 online resource (298)3-03777-726-5 3-03777-205-0 Evaluations assess the effectiveness of a public policy using a scientific approach and thus provide bases to make effects-oriented and well-founded decisions in parliament. Although policy evaluations have been established in Switzerland, research on their role in the parliaments is limited. This book investigates the use of policy evaluations and its explaining factors based on a survey of cantonal and national members of parliament and studies of cantonal legislative processes. In doing so, it contributes to the question of what role knowledge plays in today’s modern parliaments.Political structure & processesbicsscEvaluationSwiss ParliamentParliamentPoliticsAssessmentSurveyCantonsLegislation processUse of evaluationImportance of knowledgePolitical structure & processesEberli Daniela1988-1369684BOOK996320737503316Die Nutzung von Evaluationen in den Schweizer Parlamenten3396342UNISA