05351nam 2200829 450 99630884260331620220429102657.03-8394-2642-110.14361/transcript.9783839426425(CKB)2550000001337533(EBL)1914439(SSID)ssj0001334520(PQKBManifestationID)11750279(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001334520(PQKBWorkID)11256847(PQKB)11601864(DE-B1597)427651(OCoLC)889814110(OCoLC)892890826(DE-B1597)9783839426425(Au-PeEL)EBL4939709(CaPaEBR)ebr11427249(OCoLC)1002017371(Au-PeEL)EBL6695238(ScCtBLL)46c61fcc-ed00-43aa-85d5-d3bd672bf5fa(transcript Verlag)9783839426425(MiAaPQ)EBC4939709(EXLCZ)99255000000133753320220429d2014 uy 0engurnn#---|u|||txtccrFrom mutual observation to propaganda war premodern revolts in their transnational representations /Malte Griesse, editor1st ed.Bielefeld :Transcript Verlag,[2014]©20141 online resource (355 p.)Histoire ;Volume 56"Most articles in this book draw on contributions to a workshop at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Bielefeld in June 2009"--Title page verso.3-8376-2642-3 1-306-99568-X Includes bibliographical references.1 Content 5 Introduction: Representing Revolts across Boundaries in Pre-Modern Times 7 Cross-Border Representations of Revolt in the Later Middle Ages: France and England During the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) 37 Trans-national Representations of Pretenders in 17th-Century Russian Revolts 53 Political Vacuum and Interregnum in Early Modern Unrest 81 Stenka Razin's Rebellion: The Eyewitnesses and their Blind Spot 93 Framing The Borderland: The Image of the Ukrainian Revolt and Hetman Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi in Foreign Travel Accounts 127 Transnational Representations of Revolt and New Modes of Communication in the midseventeenth century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Jerzy Lubomirski's Rebellion against King Jan Kazimierz 159 "Revolts" in the Kuranty of March-July 1671 181 State-Arcanum and European Public Spheres: Paradigm Shifts in Muscovite Policy towards Foreign Representations of Russian Revolts 205 Quietis publicae perturbatio: Revolts in the Political and Legal Treatises of the sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries 273 Early Modern Revolts as Political Crimes in the Popular Media of Illustrated Broadsheets 309 Authors 351The Arab spring, protest movements in the EU, Russia, Turkey or elsewhere, are often labeled as twitter-revolutions. A crucial role is attributed to the new media, coverage of events abroad and ensuing mutual reactions. With the dissemination of print, revolts in early-modern times faced the challenge of a similar media-revolution. This influenced the very face of the events that could become full-fledged propaganda wars once the insurgents had won access to the printing press. But it also had an impact on revolt-narratives. Governments severely persecuted dissident views in such delicate issues as revolts. Observers abroad had no such divided loyalties and were freer to reflect upon the events. Therefore, the book focuses mainly on representations of revolts across borders.»Scholars of the early modern period will find this fresh approach to the revolts of this era of considerable interest.« Julius R. Ruff, Renaissance Quarterly, 68/3 (2015) »Der Sammelband [bietet] besonders durch die Konzentration auf weniger bekannte Revolten im frühneuzeitlichen Osteuropa sowie seine interdisziplinären Forschungsansätze neue Perspektiven auf die bisherige Analyse vormoderner Protestbewegungen und ihrer Repräsentationen.« Nina Schweisthal, sehepunkte, 11 (2014) Besprochen in: http://www.perspectivia.net, 10 (2015), Andreas Würgler Renaissance Quarterly, 68/3 (2015), Julius R. Ruff Sixteenth Century Journal 2 (2015), Brian G.H. Ditcham Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 43/2 (2016), Johannes ArndtHistoire (Transcript (Firm)) ;Volume 56.InsurgencyMass media and warWar in mass mediaArab Spring.Communication.Cultural History.Early Modern History.Europe.History.Representations.Transnational History.Insurgency.Mass media and war.War in mass media.355.0218Griesse MalteKnowledge Unlatched - KU Select 2016: Backlist Collectionfndhttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/fndMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996308842603316From mutual observation to propaganda war2271385UNISA