03910nam 22006133u 450 99624833930331620210108010830.00-486-12292-1(CKB)2550000001185672(EBL)1889964(SSID)ssj0000681977(PQKBManifestationID)12253570(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000681977(PQKBWorkID)10678080(PQKB)11244366(MiAaPQ)EBC1889964(Au-PeEL)EBL1889964(CaONFJC)MIL565050(OCoLC)898422846(EXLCZ)99255000000118567220141222d2013|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrConfucian Analects, The Great Learning & The Doctrine of the Mean[electronic resource]Newburyport Dover Publications20131 online resource (1152 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-486-22746-4 1-306-33799-2 Frontmatter --CHAPTER I. OF THE CHINESE CLASSICS GENERALLY. --CHAPTER II. OF THE CONFUCIAN ANALECTS --CHAPTER III. OF THE GREAT LEARNING --CHAPTER IV. THE DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN --CHAPTER V. CONFUCIUS AND HIS IMMEDIATE DISCIPLES --CHAPTER VI. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS WHICH HAVE BEEN CONSULTED IN THE PREPERATION OF THIS VOLUME --I. CONFUCIAN ANALECTS --II. THE GREAT LEARNING --III. THE DOCTRINE OF THE MEANI. History of the Text, and the different Arrangements of it which have been proposedII. Of the Authorship, and distinction of the Text into Classical Text and Commentary; III. Its Scope and Value; Chapter IV.; THE DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN.; I. Its Place in the Lî Ch'î, and its Publication separately; II. Its Author; and some account of him; III. Its Integrity; IV. Its Scope and Value; Chapter V.; CONFUCIUS AND HIS IMMEDIATE DISCIPLES.; I. Life of Confucius; II. His Influence and Opinions; III. His Immediate Disciples; Chapter VI.LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS WHICH HAVE BEEN CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS VOLUME.I. Chinese Works, with Brief Notices; II. Translations and other Works; THE BODY OF THE VOLUME.; I. CONFUCIAN ANALECTS; Book I. Hsio R; II. Wei Chang; III. Pa yi; IV. Li Zan; V. Kung ye Chang; VI. Yung ye; VII. Shu-R; VIII. T'ai-po; IX. Tsze Han; X. Hsiang Tang; XI. Hsien Tsin; XII. Yen Yüan; XIII. Tsze-lu; XIV. Hsien Wan; XV. Wei Ling Kung; XVI. Chi Shih; XVII. Yang Ho; XVIII. Wei Tsze; XIX. Tsze-chang; XX. Yao Yüeh; II. THE GREAT LEARNING; III. THE DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN; INDEXES.I. Subjects in the Confucian AnalectsII. Proper Names in the Confucian Analects; III. Subjects in the Great Learning; IV. Proper Names in the Great Learning; V. Subjects in the Doctrine of the Mean; VI. Proper Names in the Doctrine of the Mean; VII. Chinese Characters and Phrases<DIV>Entire text of the <I>Analects of Confucius</I> in large, readable characters, and beneath this Legge's full translation, which has been accepted and the definitive, standard English version. Full chinese text, standard English translation on same page. Finest edition anywhere of one of world's finest thinkers.<BR></DIV>ConfuciousLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCEast Asian Languages & LiteraturesHILCCElectronic books.Confucious.Languages & LiteraturesEast Asian Languages & Literatures181181.09512181/.09/512Confucius203847Legge James1815-18971012969AU-PeELBOOK996248339303316Confucian Analects, The Great Learning & The Doctrine of the Mean2353889UNISA