03263nam 2200529zu 450 99624829290331620210807005203.0(CKB)3780000000081618(SSID)ssj0000669092(PQKBManifestationID)11390694(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000669092(PQKBWorkID)10705063(PQKB)11596091(EXLCZ)99378000000008161820160829d2009 uy engtxtccr"Make it yourself" : home sewing, gender, and culture, 1890-1930[Place of publication not identified]Columbia University Press2009Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographIntroduction --[Intro] --Historiography --Sources --Chapter Overview --Chapter One: “Sewed Considerable”: Home Sewing and the Meanings of Women's Domestic Work --[Intro] --“Women Just Sewed” --Economy --Meeting Standards --Farm Culture --Good Wives --Caring Mothers --Helpful Neighbors and Citizens --Conclusion --Chapter Two: “Boundless Possibilities” --[Intro] --More than Pin Money --Pleasure in Sewing --“Clothes that are mine” --Making Over --Challenging and Asserting Respectability --Masking – or Highlighting – Ethnic and Class Distinctions --Conclusion --Chapter Three: “When Mother Lets Us Sew”: Girls, Sewing, and Femininity --[Intro] --Learning at Home --Schools, Race, and Class --Settlement Houses, Scouting, and Clubs --Know How To… --“How I hate sewing!” --Conclusion --Chapter Four: Commodifying “Domestic Virtues”: Business and Home Sewing --[Intro] --Sewing and the U.S. Economy --Textiles --Sewing Machines --Tissue Paper Patterns --Magazines and Books --Facing the Changes in Home Sewing --New Business Strategies --Conclusion --Chapter Five: Clothing for Sport: Home Sewing as a Laboratory for New Standards --[Intro] --Changing Views of Women and Sport --What to Wear? --Emancipation and Trepidation --“Any Desired Length” --Changing Definitions of Modesty --Conclusion --Epilogue --Interviews --Susan Sews a Skirt"Make It Yourself"SewingHistory19th centuryUnited StatesSewingHistory20th centuryUnited StatesHome economicsHistory19th centuryUnited StatesHome economicsHistory20th CenturyUnited StatesSex roleHistory19th centuryUnited StatesArt, Architecture & Applied ArtsHILCCArts & CraftsHILCCUnited StatesSocial life and customsSewingHistorySewingHistoryHome economicsHistoryHome economicsHistorySex roleHistoryArt, Architecture & Applied ArtsArts & Crafts646.20973646.40097309041Gordon Sarah A1006100PQKBBOOK996248292903316"Make it yourself" : home sewing, gender, and culture, 1890-19302314761UNISA