02834oam 22005654 450 99621487780331620150123152300.00-674-99530-9(CKB)3820000000011968(SSID)ssj0001370892(PQKBManifestationID)12595184(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001370892(PQKBWorkID)11298339(PQKB)11503893(OCoLC)603840096(MaCbHUP)hup0000581(EXLCZ)99382000000001196820141025d1995 my fengurcn#|||||txtccrCallirhoe /Chariton ; edited and translated by G.P. GooldCambridge, MA :Harvard University Press,2014.1 online resource mapLoeb Classical Library ; 481Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographIncludes bibliography and index.Chariton's Callirhoe, subtitled "Love Story in Syracuse," is a fast-paced historical romance of the first century CE and the oldest extant novel.Chariton's Callirhoe, subtitled "Love Story in Syracuse," is the oldest extant novel. It is a fast-paced historical romance with ageless charm. Chariton narrates the adventures of an exceptionally beautiful young bride named Callirhoe, beginning with her abduction by pirates--adventures that take her as far as the court of the Persian king Artaxerxes and involve shipwrecks, several ardent suitors, an embarrassing pregnancy, the hazards of war, and a happy ending. Animated dialogue captures dramatic situations, and the novelist takes us on picturesque travels. His skill makes us enthralled spectators of plots and counterplots, at trials and a crucifixion, inside a harem, among the admiring crowd at weddings, and at battles on land and sea. This enchanting tale is here made available for the first time in an English translation facing the Greek text. In his Introduction G. P. Goold establishes the book's date in the first century CE and relates it to other ancient fiction.Man-woman relationshipsItalySyracuseFictionSlavesTurkeyCariaFictionMan-woman relationships(OCoLC)1007080fastSlaves(OCoLC)1120522fastItalySyracusefastTurkeyCariafastGreek fictionMan-woman relationshipsSlavesMan-woman relationshipsSlaves883/.01Chariton189821Goold George Patrick1922-2001,MaCbHUPTLCBOOK996214877803316Ta peri Chairean kai Kalliroen30375UNISA