03560oam 2200493zu 450 99621429340331620210807004643.01-118-66878-2(CKB)3450000000004573(SSID)ssj0000904702(PQKBManifestationID)11539856(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000904702(PQKBWorkID)10921886(PQKB)10255734(NjHacI)993450000000004573(PPN)180007505(EXLCZ)99345000000000457320160829d1962 uy engur|||||||||||txtccrAntarctic Research: The Matthew Fontaine Maury Memorial Symposium[Place of publication not identified]American Geophysical Union19621 online resource (x, 228 pages) illustrations, mapsGeophysical monograph, 7, number 1036, number 7Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-87590-007-0 Includes bibliographical references.Glacial and subglacial geography of Antarctica - Charles R. Bentley -- The geology of Antarctica - Raymond J. Adie -- The geology of Cape Evans and Cape Royds, Ross Island, Antarctica - Samuel B. Treves -- Geology of Lake Vanda, Wright Valley, South Victoria Land, Antarctica - Robert L. Nichols -- Crustal structure in Antarctica - George P. Woollard -- Outlines of Southern Ocean geomorphology - Alexander V. Zhivago -- Bottom sediments of the Antarctic - A.P. Lisitzin -- Morphology and some interpretation of geomagnetic variations in Antarctica - Takesi Nagata -- The ionosphere over Antarctica - W.R. Piggott and A.H. Shapley -- Auroral research in Antarctic regions - Norman J. Oliver -- Mean westerly jet streams in the Southern Hemisphere - H.R. Phillpot -- Atmospheric advection and the Antarctic mass and heat budget - Morton J. Rubin -- On the dependence of the character of the boundary between Antarctic and sub-Antarctic pelagic zones on the meteorological conditions - N.M. Voronina -- On heat exchange of the Antarctic waters - V.G. Kort -- Studies on physical oceanography in the Ross Sea by the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute - D.M. Garner -- Preliminary studies and results of the oceanographic work in the Weddell Sea area (abstract only) - RubeĢn N. Paccagnini and Alberto O. Casellas -- Glaciological phenomenon in the Bellingshausen Sea during the 1959-60 Antarctic campaign (abstract only) - Alberto J. Valdez and Rolando Nawratil -- The amount of ice on planet earth - Edward C. Thiel -- Glaciology of Antarctica - P.A. Shumsky -- The thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of glacial ice at Wilkes Station, Antarctica - Richard L. Cameron and Colin B. Bull -- The stratigraphic distribution of particulate matter in the firn at Byrd Station, Antarctica - Ernest W. Marshall -- The dynamics of ice shelves - James H. Zumberge and Charles Swithinbank -- New Zealand glaciology - Richard P. Goldthwait and Ian C. McKellar -- Argentine glaciology - Benito S. Colqui.Geophysical monograph, 7, number 1036, number 7.ResearchAntarcticaAntarcticaCongressesResearch507.2Wexler H888160Rubin M. JCaskey J. EPQKBBOOK996214293403316Antarctic Research: The Matthew Fontaine Maury Memorial Symposium1983994UNISA