01875nam 2200397 450 99620673540331620231019190756.0(CKB)111055184273342(NjHacI)99111055184273342(EXLCZ)9911105518427334220231019d1998 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierProceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory. (IEEE Cat. No.98EX163)3 /Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers[Place of publication not identified] :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,1998.1 online resource966-02-0621-6 Propagation, Diffraction, Synthesis of Radiating Systems Restoring the Shape of Radiating & Scattering Bodies.Annotation Partial Contents: Propagation, Diffraction, Synthesis of Radiating Systems Restoring the Shape of Radiating & Scattering Bodies.Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory. DIRECT AND INVERSE PROBLEMS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC WAVE THEORY, 1998. DIPED-98. PROCEEDINGS OF III INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR/WORKSHOP ONSEMINAR/WORKSHOP ON DIRECT & INVERSE PROBLEMS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC WAVE THEORY (DIPED)Electromagnetic WavesElectromagnetic wavesCongressesElectromagnetic Waves.Electromagnetic waves539.2NjHacINjHaclPROCEEDING996206735403316Proceedings of III International Seminar2499465UNISA