04549nam 2200649 450 99620552170331620230422031711.01-118-03302-71-118-03127-X(CKB)2670000000128106(EBL)695090(SSID)ssj0000622307(PQKBManifestationID)11388578(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000622307(PQKBWorkID)10638865(PQKB)10175690(MiAaPQ)EBC695090(OCoLC)761321861(EXLCZ)99267000000012810620160816h20002000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPositive linear systems theory and applications /Lorenzo Farina, Sergio RinaldiNew York, New York :John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2000.©20001 online resource (322 p.)Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts"A Wiley-Interscience Publication."0-471-38456-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Positive Linear Systems: Theory and Applications; Contents; Preface; PART I DEFINITIONS; 1 Introduction; 2 Definitions and Conditions of Positivity; 3 Influence Graphs; 4 Irreducibility, Excitability, and Transparency; PART II PROPERTIES; 5 Stability; 6 Spectral Characterization of Irreducible Systems; 7 Positivity of Equilibria; 8 Reachability and Observability; 9 Realization; 10 Minimum Phase; 11 Interconnected Systems; PART III APPLICATIONS; 12 Input-Output Analysis; 13 Age-Structured Population Models; 14 Markov Chains; 15 Compartmental Systems; 16 Queueing Systems; ConclusionsAnnotated BibliographyBibliography; Appendix A: Elements of Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory; A.l Real Vectors and Matrices; A.2 Vector Spaces; A.3 Dimension of a Vector Space; A.4 Change of Basis; A.5 Linear Transformations and Matrices; A.6 Image and Null Space; A.7 Invariant Subspaces, Eigenvectors, and Eigenvalues; A.8 Jordan Canonical Form; A.9 Annihilating Polynomial and Minimal Polynomial; A.10 Normed Spaces; A.11 Scalar Product and Orthogonality; A.12 Adjoint Transformations; Appendix B: Elements of Linear Systems Theory; B.1 Definition of Linear SystemsB.2 ARMA Model and Transfer FunctionB.3 Computation of Transfer Functions and Realization; B.4 Interconnected Subsystems and Mason's Formula; B.5 Change of Coordinates and Equivalent Systems; B.6 Motion, Trajectory, and Equilibrium; B.7 Lagrange's Formula and Transition Matrix; B.8 Reversibility; B.9 Sampled-Data Systems; B.10 Internal Stability: Definitions; B.11 Eigenvalues and Stability; B.12 Tests of Asymptotic Stability; B.13 Energy and Stability; B.14 Dominant Eigenvalue and Eigenvector; B.15 Reachability and Control Law; B.16 Observability and State ReconstructionB.17 Decomposition TheoremB.18 Determination of the ARMA Models; B.19 Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function; B.20 Poles and Zeros of Interconnected Systems; B.21 Impulse Response; B.22 Frequency Response; B.23 Fourier Transform; B.24 Laplace Transform; B.25 Z-Transform; B.26 Laplace and Z-Transforms and Transfer Functions; IndexA complete study on an important class of linear dynamical systems-positive linear systemsOne of the most often-encountered systems in nearly all areas of science and technology, positive linear systems is a specific but remarkable and fascinating class. Renowned scientists Lorenzo Farina and Sergio Rinaldi introduce readers to the world of positive linear systems in their rigorous but highly accessible book, rich in applications, examples, and figures.This professional reference is divided into three main parts: The first part contains the definitions and basic properties of pPure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and TractsPositive systemsNon-negative matricesLinear systemsPositive systems.Non-negative matrices.Linear systems.003.74512.9512.9434Farina Lorenzo1963-9304Rinaldi S(Sergio),1940-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996205521703316Positive linear systems2230601UNISA