03242nam 2200793 a 450 99620407970331620200520144314.066132900331-283-29003-097866132900381-60750-833-8(CKB)2550000000050088(EBL)784597(SSID)ssj0000753333(PQKBManifestationID)12359161(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000753333(PQKBWorkID)10802743(PQKB)10323608(Au-PeEL)EBL784597(CaPaEBR)ebr10506352(CaONFJC)MIL329003(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/47238(MiAaPQ)EBC784597(OCoLC)758834976(EXLCZ)99255000000005008820111202d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrExploring the visual landscape[electronic resource] advances in physiognomic landscape research in the Netherlands /edited by Steffen Nijhuis, Ron van Lammeren, Frank van der HoevenAmsterdam, The Netherlands IOS Press, under the imprint Delft University Press20111 online resource (336 p.)Research in urbanism series (RIUS),1875-0192 ;v. 2"In cooperation with Wageningen University."1-60750-832-X Includes bibliographical references.pt. 1. Theory -- pt. 2. Landscape research and design -- pt. 3. Landscape policy.""Exploring the Visual Landscape"" is about the combination of landscape research and planning, visual perception and Geographic Information Science. It showcases possible ways of getting a grip on themes like: landscape openness, cluttering of the rural landscape, high-rise buildings in relation to cityscape, historic landscapes and motorway panoramas. It offers clues for visual landscape assessment of spaces in cities, parks and rural areas. In that respect, it extends the long tradition in the Netherlands on physiognomic landscape research and shows the state of the art at this moment. ""ExResearch in urbanism series ;v. 2.Landscape architectural drawingVisual communication in artGISlandscape policyvisual landscapeDelft University of TechnologyTU Delftlandscape planningdesign researchurban designlandscape perceptionlandscape architectureLandscape architectural drawing.Visual communication in art.712.022/2712.0222R. van Lammeren (ed.)auth1482542Nijhuis Steffen906801Lammeren Ron van906802Hoeven Frank van der906803Wageningen Universiteit.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996204079703316Exploring the visual landscape3700223UNISA