03245nam 22006254a 450 99620396770331620170816142724.01-281-21377-297866112137700-470-70418-70-470-75357-91-4051-4312-6(CKB)1000000000406894(EBL)233135(OCoLC)475939889(SSID)ssj0000247483(PQKBManifestationID)11218828(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000247483(PQKBWorkID)10198970(PQKB)10415430(MiAaPQ)EBC233135(MiAaPQ)EBC7076216(Au-PeEL)EBL7076216(EXLCZ)99100000000040689420030707d2004 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrSocial inequalities in comparative perspective[electronic resource] /edited by Fiona Devine and Mary C. WatersMalden, MA Blackwell Pub.20041 online resource (330 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-631-22684-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Social Inequalities in Comparative Perspective; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Introduction; 1 Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in the United States; 2 The "Language of Race," Identity Options, and "Belonging" in the Quebec Context; 3 Race and Ethnicity in France; 4 Racisms, Ethnicities, and British Nation-Making; 5 Working Poor, Working Hard: Trajectories at the Bottom of the American Labor Market; 6 Class and Social Inequalities in Portugal: From Class Structure to Working-Class Practices on the Shop Floor; 7 Understanding Class Inequality in Australia; 8 Talking about Class in Britain9 Research on Gender Stratification in the US10 The Japanese Paradox: Women's Voices of Fulfillment in the Face of Inequalities; 11 Catching Up? Changing Inequalities of Gender at Work and in the Family in the UK; 12 Gender and Work-Related Inequalities in Finland; IndexThis unique collection of original essays brings a comparative perspective to issues of social inequality. First-rate sociologists from around the world have contributed to this exciting and rigorous volume, drawing upon their own research in the fields of race and ethnicity, class and inequality, and gender and sexuality. Contains original essays by first-rate scholars on issues of social inequalities around the worldFeatures research and examples from the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Portugal, Finland, and JapanReviews research on issues of social inequEqualityCross-cultural studiesSocial stratificationCross-cultural studiesElectronic books.EqualitySocial stratification305305.5Devine Fiona141991Waters Mary C676343MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996203967703316Social inequalities in comparative perspective2003155UNISA