04064 am 22007453u 450 99620167620331620210127134603.0(CKB)3450000000002932(MH)011902618-X(SSID)ssj0000986033(PQKBManifestationID)11615727(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000986033(PQKBWorkID)10934439(PQKB)10418916(WaSeSS)Ind00073622(EXLCZ)99345000000000293220090608d2008 uy 0engurm|#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPoems at the edge of differences mothering in new English poetry by women /Renate PapkeGöttingen :Universitätsverlag Göttingen,2008.1 online resource (214 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Originally presented as the author's (doctoral)--Universität Göttingen, 2007.Print version: 3940344427 Includes bibliographical references.This study consists of two parts. The first part offers an overview of feminism's theory of differences. The second part deals with the textual analysis of poems about 'mothering' by women from India, the Caribbean and Africa. Literary criticism has dealt with the representation of 'mothering' in prose texts. The exploration of lyrical texts has not yet come. Since the late 1970s, the acknowledgement of and the commitment to difference has been foundational for feminist theory and activism. This investigation promotes a differentiated, 'locational' feminism (Friedman). The comprehensive theoretical discussion of feminism's different concepts of 'gender', 'race', 'ethnicity' and 'mothering' builds the foundation for the main part: the presentation and analysis of the poems. The issue of 'mothering' foregrounds the communicative aspect of women's experience and wants to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This study, however, does not intend to specify 'mothering' as a universal and unique feminine characteristic. It underlines a metaphorical use and discusses the concepts of 'nurturing', 'maternal practice' and 'social parenthood'. Regarding the extensive material, this study understands itself as an explorative not concluding investigation placed at the intersections of gender studies, postcolonial and classical literary studies. Most of all, it aims at initiating a dialogue and interchange between scholars and students in the Western and the 'Third World'.English poetryHistory and criticismWomen in literatureMothers in literatureSex discrimination in literatureIndic poetry (English)History and criticismCaribbean poetry (English)History and criticismAfrican poetry (English)History and criticismWomen authors, IndicWomen authors, AfricanWomen authors, CaribbeanEnglishHILCCLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCEnglish LiteratureHILCCElectronic booksEnglish poetryHistory and criticism.Women in literature.Mothers in literature.Sex discrimination in literature.Indic poetry (English)History and criticism.Caribbean poetry (English)History and criticism.African poetry (English)History and criticism.Women authors, Indic.Women authors, African.Women authors, Caribbean.EnglishLanguages & LiteraturesEnglish Literature821.009Papke Renate800951NyNyMARNyNyMARUkMaJRUBOOK996201676203316Poems at the edge of differences2262610UNISA