03213oam 22006254 450 99620132790331620230213224121.00-674-99316-0(CKB)3820000000011953(SSID)ssj0001417959(PQKBManifestationID)11782135(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001417959(PQKBWorkID)11386575(PQKB)10945542(OCoLC)902695324(MaCbHUP)hup0000386(EXLCZ)99382000000001195320141025d1934 my pengurcn#|||||txtccrArgonautica /Valerius Flaccus ; with an English translation by J.H. MozleyrevisedCambridge, MA :Harvard University Press,2014.1 online resourceLoeb Classical Library ; 286Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographIncludes bibliography and index.Valerius Flaccus flourished c. 70-90 BCE and composed an incomplete epic Argonautica in eight books, on the quest for the golden fleece. Valerius effectively rehandles the story already told by Apollonius Rhodius, recalls Virgilian language and thought, displays learning, and alludes to contemporary Rome.Valerius Flaccus, Gaius, Latin poet who flourished in the period ca. 70-90 CE, composed in smooth and sometimes obscure style an incomplete epic Argonautica in eight books, on the Quest for the Golden Fleece. The poem is typical of his age, being a free re-handling of the story already told by Apollonius Rhodius, to whom he is superior in arrangement, vividness, and description of character. Valerius's poem shows much imitation of the language and thought of Virgil, and much learning. The chief interest of the epic lies in the relationship between Medea and Jason, especially the growth of Medea's love, where Valerius is at his best. The long series of adventures and various Roman allusions suggest that the poet meant to do honour to Vespasian (to whom the epic is dedicated) with special reference to that emperor's ships in waters around Britain.Argonauts (Greek mythology)Argonauts (Greek mythology)PoetryEpic poetry, LatinTranslations into EnglishJason (Greek mythology)PoetryArgonauts (Greek mythology)(OCoLC)814328fastEpic poetry, Latin(OCoLC)913954fastJason (Greek mythology)(OCoLC)982024fastMedea (Greek mythology)(OCoLC)1013568fastArgonauts (Greek mythology)Argonauts (Greek mythology)Epic poetry, LatinJason (Greek mythology)Argonauts (Greek mythology)Epic poetry, LatinJason (Greek mythology)Medea (Greek mythology)Valerius Flaccus Gaiusactive 1st century,186593Mozley J. H.(John Henry),MaCbHUPTLCBOOK996201327903316Argonautica18281UNISA