02911nam 2200577Ia 450 99619820680331620230617015117.01-4443-0202-797866122521121-282-25211-91-4443-1348-71-4443-1349-50-632-06124-3(CKB)111004368744880(EBL)454451(OCoLC)609844464(SSID)ssj0000129050(PQKBManifestationID)11936980(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000129050(PQKBWorkID)10072156(PQKB)11175136(MiAaPQ)EBC454451(EXLCZ)9911100436874488019970514e20041998 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrConservation science and action[electronic resource] /edited by William J. SutherlandOxford ;Malden, MA Blackwell Science2004, c19981 online resource (378 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-86542-762-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 317-346) and index.Conservation Science and Action; List of contributors; Preface; CHAPTER 1: Biodiversity; CHAPTER 2: Extinction; CHAPTER 3: Introductions; CHAPTER 4: Pollutants and pesticides; CHAPTER 5: Sustainable and unsustainable exploitation; CHAPTER 6: Small and declining populations; CHAPTER 7: Metapopulatioll, source-sink and disturbance dynamics; CHAPTER 8: Implications of historical ecology for conservation; CHAPTER 9: Selecting areas for conservation; CHAPTER 10: Managing habitats and species; CHAPTER 11: Economics of nature conservation; CHAPTER 12: Conservation educationCHAPTER 13: Conservation policy and politicsCHAPTER 14: Conservation and development; References; IndexConservation Science and Action is intended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in conservation biology. This book reviews the latest thinking and approaches, and in doing so provides a readily accessible reference work for conservation professionals and managers. Because conservation biology is now one of the most dynamic disciplines in the life sciences, William Sutherland and his international team of authors have selected many of the liveliest topics where key advances are currently being made. They stress ideas, point to unresolved issues, and suggest possibleConservation biologyNature conservationConservation biology.Nature conservation.591.5Sutherland William J293380MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996198206803316Conservation science and action1911249UNISA