05343oam 2200769I 450 99619770130331620240405071413.01-134-62947-81-134-62948-697866100602211-280-06022-00-203-45863-X10.4324/9780203458631(CKB)111056485538968(StDuBDS)AH3710410(SSID)ssj0000196954(PQKBManifestationID)11172019(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000196954(PQKBWorkID)10154044(PQKB)10187483(SSID)ssj0000302404(PQKBManifestationID)11217785(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000302404(PQKBWorkID)10286188(PQKB)11341456(Au-PeEL)EBL180180(CaPaEBR)ebr10054168(CaONFJC)MIL6022(OCoLC)437082786(OCoLC)51052348(MiAaPQ)EBC180180(PPN)198452578(EXLCZ)9911105648553896820180331d2000 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrManaging information and knowledge in the public sector /Eileen M. Milner1st ed.London ;New York :Routledge,2000.1 online resource (224p.)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-415-20422-4 0-415-20423-2 Includes bibliographical references (p. [182]-188) and index.chapter I Introduction -- Defining information and knowledge -- chapter 2 Developing an information policy and strategy: the foundations of information management -- The foundations of information -- chapter 3 Information management strategy in action -- Making a business case -- chapter 4 Knowledge management -- chapter 5 Managing information, ideas and solutions -- A focus on the employee -- chapter 6 ICTs as tools of IKM -- chapter 7 Tension and paradox: issues of information security, ownership, access, liability and openness -- Issues of information security, ownership, access, liability and -- chapter 8 IKM as a tool of social inclusion -- chapter 9 Vision and revision -- The case for IKM In the public sector.Introducing the concepts of information and knowledge this work explores a variety of tools/techniques which may be adopted in actively managing and developing these resources. Case studies illustrate good practice as well as poor application.For the public sector, which is globally the largest employer of people and repository of information, managing information and knowledge is an extremely problematic area to address. The essence of both resources is that they are intangible, their impact and value cannot be measured through traditional accounting methods, yet they are also, paradoxically, where the greatest value and potential for improvement is located. In this book Eileen Milner introduces the reader to the concepts of information and knowledge and explores a variety of tools and techniques which may be usefully adopted in actively managing and developing these resources. Wherever possible real-life public sector case studies and examples are used to illustrate good practice, as well as some of the pitfalls of poor application. Down-to-earth and taking into account the critically important characteristics unique to public services, this will be an illuminating text both for managers and policy makers already working in the public sector and for those considering doing so. For the public sector, which is globally the largest employer of people and repository of information, managing information and knowledge is an extremely problematic area to address. The essence of both resources is that they are intangible, their impact and value cannot be measured through traditional accounting methods, yet they are also, paradoxically, where the greatest value and potential for improvement is located. In this book Eileen Milner introduces the reader to the concepts of information and knowledge and explores a variety of tools and techniques which may be usefully adopted in actively managing and developing these resources. Wherever possible real-life public sector case studies and examples are used to illustrate good practice, as well as some of the pitfalls of poor application. Down-to-earth and taking into account the critically important characteristics unique to public services, this will be an illuminating text both for managers and policy makers already working in the public sector and for those considering doing so.Information capitolInformation technologyManagementKnowledge managementOrganizational learningInformation capitol.Information technologyManagement.Knowledge management.Organizational learning.352.3/8Milner Eileen M.1963,912122MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996197701303316Managing information and knowledge in the public sector2042413UNISA