02308nam--2200397---450-99000580367020331620130204153308.0978-92-79-21507-0000580367USA01000580367(ALEPH)000580367USA0100058036720130204d2012----km-y0itay50------baengLU||||||||001yyActive ageing and solidarity between generationsa statistical portrait of the European Union 2012Eurostat, European CommissionLuxembourgPublications office of the European Union2012141 p.ill.21 cmEurostat statistical booksThe European Union's population structure is changing and becoming progressively older – at the beginning of 2010, there were 87 million people aged 65 and over in the EU, more than 175% of the total population. In response to demographic challenges being faced within Europe, the European Union designated 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. The overall objective of the European Year is to facilitate the creation of an active ageing culture in Europe based on a society for all ages. As Europeans live longer and healthier lives, governments are looking for ways to involve older persons more in society and to keep them active. Eurostat is marking the European Year by publishing this book which contains statistics on topics such as demography, healthcare, pensions, volunteering and adult learning. [Ed.]2001Eurostat statistical booksLavoratori anzianiPaesi dell'Unione europeaStatisticaBNCFPopolazioneInvecchiamentoPaesi dell'Unione europeaStatisticaBNCF331.39809414.01Invecchiamento della popolazioneCOMUNITÀ EUROPEE :Istituto statistico492722ITsalbcISBDhttp://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2785/17758.Accesso libero online990005803670203316CDE 14.01 (VII)CDE 2863CDE 14.0100151165BKCDEMARIAS9020130204USA011533Active ageing and solidarity between generations1089577UNISA