01630nam1-2200361---450-99000564865020331620040621000564865USA01000564865(ALEPH)000564865USA0100056486520040618d1960----|||y0itaa50------bamulitz 00|||Atti del 12. Congresso internazionale di filosofia = Actes du 12. Congrès international de philosophie = Proceedings of the 12. International congress of philosophyVenezia, 12-18 settembre 1958=Actes du 12. Congrès international de philosophie.=Proceeding of the 12. international congress of philosophy.FirenzeSansoni1960v.25 cm.0019900056486402033162001 <<9: >> Aristotelismo padovano e filosofia aristotelica = Aristotélisme de Padoue et philosophie aristotélicienne = Paduan Aristotelianism and Aristotelian philosopyActes du 12Congrès international de philosophieSA0010686Proceeding of the 12international congress of philosophySA0010687FilosofiaFFIRENZE190Congresso internazionale di filosofia<12.; 1958 ; Venezia>159882SANSONIITSA20111219990005648650203316BKFIL20121027USA011525Atti del 12. Congresso internazionale di filosofia = Actes du 12. Congrès international de philosophie = Proceedings of the 12. International congress of philosophy1134559UNISA