02097nam0-2200385---450-99000360934020331620120111120240.0978-92-79-16267-1000360934USA01000360934(ALEPH)000360934USA0100036093420120111d2010----km-y0itay0103----baengLU||||||||001yyPromoting equalityactivities on fighting discrimination in 2009European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, social affairs and equal opportunitiesLuxembourgPublications office of the European Union201031 p.ill.30 cmSocial EuropeThe report presents activities carried out in 2009 by the European Commission to fight discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation as regards to employment and occupation. It begins with a brief overview of European attitudes towards equality, then examines the latest policy development and partnerships. The brochure also looks at activities conducted to raise awareness of and better understand discrimination and equality issues, including the promotion of the business benefits of diversity. Examples are given of the implementation of equality legislation along with details of a new proposal for an anti-discrimination directive. [abstract tratto dalla pubblicazione]2001Social EuropeEguaglianzaPaesi dell'Unione europeaBNCF305.09404.08DiscriminazioneCommissione europea :Direzione generale Occupazione, affari sociali e pari opportunità573603ITsalbcISBDhttp://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2767/96446.Accesso libero online990003609340203316CDE 04.08 (LXVIII)CDE 2681CDE 04.0800185338BKCDEMARIAS9020120111USA011202Promoting equality1137267UNISA