02546nam--2200409---450-99000333528020331620120119140144.0978-92-896-0606-6000333528USA01000333528(ALEPH)000333528USA0100033352820091016d2009----km-y0itay50------baengLU||||||||001yyFuture skill supply in Europemedium-term forecast up to 2020: synthesis reportCEDEFOPLuxembourgOffice for official publications of the European Communities2009151 p.ill.25 cmIn cop.: Secondo compl. del tit.: medium-term forecast up to 2020This publication presents results of the first skill supply forecast in Europe until 2020 and complements the forecast of skills demand published by Cedefop in 2008. It builds upon a multisectoral macroeconomic model, extended to include a set of overall labour supply projections by age and gender. It focuses on changing patterns in the supply of people in the population and in the labour force according to the highest qualification attained. It provides results for Europe as a whole (EU-25 without Malta and Norway) and for individual countries. The forecast suggests a substantial increase of the adult labour force with high and medium qualifications. In contrast, the number and share of people with low levels or no qualifications is projected to decline in almost all European countries. These general trends are in line with the Lisbon goals to make Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based society in the world and will remain a key feature in the coming decade. [abstract tratto dalla pubblicazione]Formazione professionalePaesi della Comunità europeaBNCF658.312409406.02Pianificazione della formazioneCENTRO EUROPEO PER LO SVILUPPO DELLA FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE432674ITsalbcISBDhttp://www.cedefop.europa.eu/etv/Upload/Information_resources/Bookshop/546/4086_en.pdf.Accesso libero online990003335280203316CDE 06.02 (XXVIII)CDE 2263CDE 06.0200186078BKCDECDE1020091016USA011221CDE1020091029USA011346MARIAS9020100225USA011454MARIAS9020120119USA011401Future skill supply in Europe1120744UNISA