01651nam1-2200397---450-99000283467020331620061110143805.0000283467USA01000283467(ALEPH)000283467USA0100028346720061110g--------km-y0itay50------baengUS||||||||001yy<<The>> law of the seaNew YorkUnited Nationsv.29 cm200120010019900028346902033162001 Current developments in state practice0019900028347302033162001 <<A>> bibliography on the law of the sea, 1968-1988two decades of law-making, state practice and doctrine (multilingual supplement)0019900028347402033162001 <<A>> bibliography on the law of the sea, 1968-1988two decades of law-making, state practice and doctorine : (bilingual : English and French)deux decennies de legislation, de pratique des Etats et de doctrine (Bilingue : anglais/français)0019900028347602033162001 Concept of the common heritage of mankindlegislative history of articles 133 to 150 and 311(6) of the United Nations convention on the law of the seaDiritto marittimo341.45ITsalbcISBD990002834670203316XXIII 1 B 2/G.XXIII 1 BBKGIUIANNONE9020061110USA011404IANNONE9020061110USA011421IANNONE9020061110USA011438Law of the sea660848UNISA