01767cam--2200421---450 99000180238020331620190513092756.0000180238USA01000180238(ALEPH)000180238USA0100018023820040629g19549999km-y0itay5003----baengUSy|||e|||001yyMiddle English dictionaryHans Kurath editorSherman M. Kuhn associate editorAnn ArborUniversity of Michigan Press1954-volumi28 cmPlan and bibliography / plan Hans Kurath ; bibliography Margaret S. Ogden, Charles E. Palmer, and Richard L. McKelvey. - XII, 105 p.A-bēste. - 1956. - 764 p.Bēst(e-byyn. - 1958. - 765-1245 p.C-cōld. - 1959. - 382 p.Cōld-dispersen. - 1964. - 383-1150 p.Dispershen-dywe. - 1962. - 1151-1371 p.E-fēred. - 1952. - 500 p.Fered-fyyn. - 1954. - 501-952 p.G-grith. - 1963. - 384 p.Lingua inglese medievaleDizionariBNCF427.0203KURATH,HansKUHN,Sherman M.OGDEN,Margaret S.PALMER,Charles E.MCcKELVEY,Richard L.ITsalbcISBD990001802380203316I.1.A. 427.02 1 1-2(427.02 1 1-2, 423)17196, 17659 L.M.I.1.427023I.1.A. 427.02 1 3-4(427.02 1 3-4, 423)17200, 17202 L.M.I.1.427024I.1.A. 427.02 1 5(427.02 1 5, 423)17663 L.M.I.1.427025BKUMASIAV81020040629USA011812COPAT39020051201USA011310COPAT69020070314USA011115Middle english dictionary470564UNISA