01022nam--2200361---450-99000149191020331620060119133716.0000149191USA01000149191(ALEPH)000149191USA0100014919120040310d1927----km-y0itay0103----baitaIT||||||||001yyVita di Ugo Foscoloa cura di Guido MazzoniGiuseppe ChiariniFirenzeBarbera1927XII, 487 p.20 cm20012001001-------2001CHIARINI,Giuseppe165856MAZZONI,Guido<1859-1943>ITsalbcISBD990001491910203316VI.3.A. 1173(V A 447)65377 L.M.V ABKUMASIAV31020040310USA011027PATRY9020040406USA011744COPAT19020060119USA011337Vita di Ugo Foscolo482630UNISA03456oam 22007094a 450 991079216850332120170821193115.00-8131-4505-80-8131-4525-20-8131-4506-6(CKB)2560000000141490(EBL)1676442(SSID)ssj0001181132(PQKBManifestationID)11778587(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001181132(PQKBWorkID)11139954(PQKB)10518493(StDuBDS)EDZ0000862410(MiAaPQ)EBC1676442(OCoLC)877868065(MdBmJHUP)muse32412(MiAaPQ)EBC30373935(Au-PeEL)EBL30373935(EXLCZ)99256000000014149020140331d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAmbition in America[electronic resource] Political Power and the Collapse of Citizenship /Jeffrey A. Becker1st ed.Lexington, Kentucky :University Press of Kentucky,2014.©20141 online resource (211 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-306-67390-9 0-8131-4504-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface: the triumph of ambition and the collapse of citizenship? -- Introduction : the paradox of power in America -- The ambition of moral citizens : belonging and the limits of the moral community -- The ambition of interests : American constitutionalism -- The ambition of popular control : Jacksonian democracy and American populism -- The ambition to recover democratic excellence : Tocqueville and Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- To flatter and obey : the triumph of ambition -- Keeping ambition accountable : a place for political parties -- Conclusion : the collapse of modern citizenship.Most Americans admire the determination and drive of artists, athletes, and CEOs, but they seem to despise similar ambition in their elected officials. The structure of political representation and the separation of powers detailed in the United States Constitution were intended to restrain self-interested ambition. Because not all citizens have a desire to rule, republican democracies must choose leaders from pools of ambitious candidates while trying to prevent those same people from exploiting public power to dominate the less ambitious.Ambition in America: Political Power and thePolitical cultureUnited StatesCitizenshipUnited StatesPower (Social sciences)United StatesRepresentative government and representationUnited StatesAmbitionPolitical aspectsUnited StatesPolitical participationSocial aspectsUnited StatesElectronic books. Political cultureCitizenshipPower (Social sciences)Representative government and representationAmbitionPolitical aspectsPolitical participationSocial aspects306.20973Becker Jeffrey A.1968-1574142MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910792168503321Ambition in America3850236UNINA