02602nam--2200493---450 99000130913020331620210802110324.0000130913USA01000130913(ALEPH)000130913USA0100013091320031218d1971----km-y0itay0103----baitaIT||||||||001yyRenaissance Studies in honor of Hans BaronFirenze1971Giovanni Ponte, Etica ed economia nel terzo libro della famiglia di Leon Battista Alberti, P. 283-310. - Carlo Pincin, Osservazioni sul modo di procedere di Macchiavelli nei "Discorsi", P. 385-409. - Marwin B. Becker, Towards a Renaissance Historiography in Florence, P. 141-172. - William M. Bowsky, City and contado : military relation ships and communal bonds in fourteenth-century Siema, P. 75-98. - Aughust Buck, Hans Baron's contribution to the literary history of the Renaissance. - Sergio Bertelli, Pier Soderini Vexillifer perpetuus reipublicae florentinae, 1502-1512, P. 333-360. - Eric Cochrane, The failure of political philosophy in seventeenth century Florence: Lorenzo Magalotti's Concordia della Religione e del Principato, P. 557-576. - Giles Constable, The popularity of twelfth-Century spiritual writers in the late middle ages, P.3-2820012001001-------2001Hans Baron's contribution to the literary history of the RenaissanceOsservazioni sul modo di procedere di Macchiavelli nei "Discorsi"Etica ed economia nel terzo libro della famiglia di Leon Battista AlbertiTowards a Renaissance Historiography in FlorenceCity and contado : military relation ships and communal bonds in fourteenth-century SiemaPier Soderini Vexillifer perpetuus reipublicae florentinae<<The>> failure of political philosophy in seventeenth century Florence: Lorenzo Magalotti's Concordia della Religione e del Principato<<The>> popularity of twelfth-Century spiritual writers in the late middle agesBUCK,AugustPINCIN,CarloPONTE,GiovanniBECKER,Marwin B.BOWSKY,William M.BERTELLI,SergioCOCHRANE,EricCONSTABLE,GilesITsalbcISBD990001309130203316X.3.B. 2886(III A coll. 31/49)L.M.IIIBKUMARENAISSANCE472419UNISA