01266nam0-22003251i-450-99000116967020331620090311155518.0000116967USA01000116967(ALEPH)000116967USA0100011696720030904-1967----km-y0itab50------ba<<A>> concordance to the writings of William Blakeedited by David V Erdmanwith the assistance of John E Thiesmayer andRichard J Wolfealso G E Bentley Jr, Palmer Brown, Robert F Gleckner, George Mills Harper, Karl Kiralis, Martin K Nurmi, and Paul M ZallIthacaCornell Universitycopyr. 19672 v.24 cm.A concordance to the writings of William Blake Vol 1 A-LoveA concordance to the writings of William Blake Vol 2 Loved-Z821ERDMANDavid V990001169670203316II.2.B.122/15322 DSLLII.2.B.122/25323 DSLLBKDSLLPROVA2020030904USA011032PATRY9020040406USA011723DSLL9020090311USA011553DSLL9020090311USA011555Concordance to the writings of William Blake982140UNISA