01127nam--2200373---450-99000182443020331620051202165648.0000182443USA01000182443(ALEPH)000182443USA0100018244320040706d19631973km-y0itay0103----baitaITa|||||||001yyDziga VertovNikolas Abramovtrad. dal russo di Claudio Masettiedizione italiana a cura di Mario VerdoneRomaBianco e Nero1963186 p.ill.22 cmPersonalità delle storia del Cinema12001Personalità delle storia del Cinema12001001-------2001ABRAMOV,Nikolas564023MASETTI,ClaudioITsalbcISBD990001824430203316XIII.2. 1593(VII Coll. 14/1)66619 L.M.VII Coll.BKUMASIAV11020040706USA011048COPAT59020051202USA011656Dziga Vertov950461UNISA04523cam2-22007211i-450 99000001884020331620231211092631.00-674-99162-1(vol. 1)0-674-99164-8(vol. 2)0-674-99165-6(vol. 3, American)0-434-99149-X(vol. 3, British)0-674-99166-4(vol. 4)0-674-99520-1(vol. 5, American)0-434-99472-3(vol. 5, British)0-674-99522-8(vol. 6, American)4-99473-1(vol. 6, British)0-674-99526-0(vol. 7)0-674-99531-7(vol. 8)978-0-674-99640-3(vol. 9)978--0-674-99683-0(vol. 10)978-0-674-99657-1(vol. 11)0001884USA010001884(ALEPH)000001884USA01000188420170207f km y0itay5003 baitagrcUSaf||||||001yyHippocrateswith an English translation by W. H. S. JonesCambridge (Massachusetts)LondonHarvard University Pressvolumi17 cm<<The>> Loeb classical library147-150, 472-473, 477, 482, 509, 520, 538Vol. 3: with an English translation by E. T. Withington; vol. 5-6: with an English translation by Paul Potter; vol. 7: edited and translated by Wesley D. Smith; vol. 8-11: edited and translated by Paul PotterTesto originale a fronteVol. 1. - Reprinted. - 1995. - LXIX, 361 p. - Contiene: Ancient medicine ; Airs, waters, places ; Epidemics I and III ; The oath ; Precepts ; NutrimentVol. 2. - Reprinted. - 1998. - LXVI, 335 p. - Contiene: Prognostic ; Regimen in acute diseases ; The sacred disease ; The art ; Breaths ; Law ; Decorum ; Physician (chapter 1) ; DentitionVol. 3. - Reprinted. - Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London : Heinemann, 1984. - XXVII, 455 p., 1 carta di tav. : ill. - Contiene: On wounds in the head ; In the surgery ; Fractures, joints, mochlicon : on fractures, on joints, instruments of reductionVol. 4: On the universe / Heracleitus. - Reprinted. - 1998. - LVIII, 522 p. - Contiene: Nature of man ; Regimen in health ; Humours ; Aphorisms ; Regimen I ; Regimen II ; Regimen III ; Dreams, di IppocrateVol. 5. - Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London : Heinemann, 1988. - XIV, 333 p. - Contiene: Affections ; Diseases I ; Diseases IIVol. 6. - Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London : Heinemann, 1988. - XV, 361 p. - Contiene: Diseases III ; Internal affections ; Regimen in acute diseases (Appendix) ; Weights and measuresVol. 7. - 1994. - 424 p. - Contiene: EpidemicsVol. 8. - 1995. - 418 p. - Contiene: Places in man ; Glands ; Fleshes ; Prorrhetic I ; Prorrhetic II ; Physician ; Use of liquids ; Ulcers ; Haemorrhoids ; FistulasVol. 9. - 2010. - XV, 397 p. - Contiene: Anatomy ; Nature of bones ; Heart ; Eight months' child ; Coan prenotions ; Crises ; Critical days ; Superfetation ; Girls ; Excision of the fetus ; SightVol. 10. - 2012. - XXII, 432 p. - Contiene: Generation ; Nature of the child ; Diseases IV ; Nature of women ; BarrennessVol. 11. - 2018. - XXVIII, 491 p. - Contiene: Diseases of women I ; Diseases of women II0010002880342001<<The>> Loeb classical library147-150, 472-473, 477, 482, 509, 520, 538610HIPPOCRATES157241JONES,William Henry SamuelWITHINGTON,Edward TheodoreHERACLITUS : EphesiusPOTTER,PaulSMITH,Wesley D.ITsalbcISBD990000018840203316V.1. Coll. 7/ 81/1(VIII A 972 HIP 1)149042 L.M.V.1. Coll.00036054V.1. Coll. 7/ 81/2(VIII A 972 HIP 2)149043 L.M.V.1. Coll.00036049V.1. Coll. 7/ 81/3(VIII A 972 HIP 3)149044 L.M.V.1. Coll.00036044BKUMA20001124USA011205PATTY9020011016USA01171820020403USA011609PATRY9020040406USA011603COPAT39020051021USA011439MARTUCCIEL9020101203USA011308PASSARO9020130507USA011122PASSARO9020130507USA011327PASSARO9020130508USA011303PASSARO9020130508USA011315De natura muliebri26746UNISA