02568nam0 2200349 450 00003196020180831104950.09781118863923 10.10DOI: 02/978111886392320180831d2014----km-y0itay50------baengUKy-------001yySolid Wastes ManagementStephen Burnley (Editor)risorsa elettronicaUnited KingdomThe Open UniversityJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd2014245 p.ill.Dati testuali (1 file: 3,6 Mb)Modalità di accesso: World Wide WebConsultazione onlineSection 1: Wastes basics Section 2: Waste management technologies Section 3: Waste management process and environmental impact modelling Section 4: Health impacts of waste management Section 5: Integrated solid waste management and waste strategies Section 6: The end of waste and the cycle begins againSolid Wastes Management begins with a focus on processing municipal and similar commercial, as well as industrial wastes; assessing and minimising the environmental impacts of processing and disposal. The second section reviews the treatment technologies available (physical, biological and thermal), their advantages, disadvantages and environmental performance. The third section considers the environmental and health impacts of the technologies and reviews the use of models to predict landfill leachate, gas formation and pollution dispersion. The fourth section is on the human health impact of waste management and draws on the previous sections, bringing in pollutants such as bioaerosols and ultra-fine particulate material. In the fifth and sixth sections, the importance of adopting an integrated approach to waste management is demonstrated through consideration of life cycle assessment and its use to determine optimum waste management solutions2001Solid Wastes Management786558Rifiuti solidiTrattamento628.1680921Inquinamento e sue contromisure. Trattamento storico363.72821Problemi e servizi sanitari. Trattamento dei rifiutiBurnley,StephenITUNIPARTHENOPE20180831RICAUNIMARChttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118863923Accesso limitato alla rete di Ateneo Università di Napoli "Parthenope"data ultima consultazione: 31/08/2018000031960Solid wastes management786558UNIPARTHENOPE