01353nam0 2200241 450 00002624920190320114404.020090618d1869----km-y0itay50------baengGBy-------001yyReport to the Committee of the Meteorological Office on the Meteorology of the North Atlantic, between the parallels of 40° and 50° N.as illustrated by eight diagrams of observations taken on board the mail steamers running to and from Americawith remarks on the difference in the winds and weather experienced, according as the ship\2019s course is westerly or easterly, and on the probable causes of the differenceby Captain H. ToynbeeLondonEyre and Spottiswoode196916 p.diagrammi24 cmIn testa al front.: Non -Official, No. 2.Report to the Committee of the Meteorological Office on the Meteorology of the North Atlantic, between the parallels of 40° and 50° N.43578551.46120Toynbee,Henry633567ITUNIPARTHENOPE20090618RICAUNIMARC000026249DEP V-01564364NAVA42009Report to the Committee of the Meteorological Office on the Meteorology of the North Atlantic, between the parallels of 40° and 50° N43578UNIPARTHENOPE