00931nam0 2200229 450 00002423220090311102009.020090311f19491952km-y0itay50------baengUSy-------001yyAnnual report of the director of the Department of Terrestrial MagnetismCarnegie Institution of WashingtonWashington[s.n.1950?]P. 61-8126 cmEstratto da: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book n. 49, for the year 1949-1950, issued December 15, 1950Annual report of the director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism59726Magnetismo terrestreOsservazioniITUNIPARTHENOPE20090311RICAUNIMARC000024232S 538/14S A 170DSA2009Annual report of the director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism59726UNIPARTHENOPE