01155nam0 2200337 450 00002248320090216104059.088-386-6372-620090203d2006----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yyUML 2 e Unified Processanalisi e progettazione Object-orientedJim Arlow, Ila Neustadtedizione italiana a cura di Vincenzo Ambriola2. edMilano [etc.]McGraw-Hill[2006]XXI, 481 p.24 cmWorkbooksTrad. a cura di: Cristina Monteverdi2001Workbooks001000008057UML 2 and the Unified Process<in italiano>45587Microelaboratori elettroniciLinguaggio UML005.1221ANALISI E PROGETTAZIONE DEI SISTEMI SOFTWAREArlow,Jim67874Neustadt,Ila67875Ambriola,VincenzoITUNIPARTHENOPE20090203RICAUNIMARC000022483P1 005-U/741115PIST2008UML 2 and the Unified Process45587UNIPARTHENOPE05415nam 2200661Ia 450 991045228860332120200520144314.0981-4460-25-7(CKB)2550000001096039(EBL)1275554(OCoLC)853362763(SSID)ssj0000916611(PQKBManifestationID)12402235(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000916611(PQKBWorkID)10878098(PQKB)10515797(MiAaPQ)EBC1275554(WSP)00008756(Au-PeEL)EBL1275554(CaPaEBR)ebr10731539(CaONFJC)MIL502614(EXLCZ)99255000000109603920130510d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAchieving the rare[electronic resource] Robert F. Christy's journey in physics and beyond /I.-Juliana ChristyHackensack, NJ World Scientific20131 online resource (366 p.)Includes index.981-4460-24-9 1-299-71363-7 Contents; Preface; Chapter 1. His Childhood; The Origin of Robert's Names; The Sinking of the Titanic; Marriage of Moise and Hattie (Robert's Parents); Death of Robert's Father; Robert's Early Years; No More Gambling; Death of Robert's Mother; Early Interests; Academic Successes; Chapter 2. The Formative UBC Years; Robert's Social Life at UBC; Summer Jobs While at UBC; Moving On from UBC; Chapter 3. Exciting Graduate Years with Oppenheimer; Becoming Part of the Birth of Particle Physics; Robert's Years at Berkeley in His Own Words; Chapter 4. The First Marriage, to Dagmar von LievenRobert's Parenting of His Sons Ted and PeterRobert's Memories of His Sons; Ted and Peter in College and as Adults; An Unusually Amicable Divorce; Chapter 5. The Very First Nuclear Reactor; An Unfulfilling Job Teaching at Illinois Tech in 1941; Background: The Discovery of Nuclear Fission in Germany; Origin of the German Nuclear Project; Origin of the U.S. Nuclear Project; The Early British Nuclear Project; The Manhattan Project Begins; Robert Joins the Project; The Creation of the First Nuclear Reactor, Chicago Pile-1; Founding of the Hanford Reactors; Founding of the Argonne ReactorsRobert's Friendship with FermiThe Fizzling of the Nazi Nuclear Project; The 1962 White House Reception Commemorating Chicago Pile-1; Chapter 6. Designing the First Atomic Bomb; Robert's Arrival at Los Alamos in Early 1943; Robert's Bosses at Los Alamos: Peierls, Bethe, Oppenheimer, and Groves; The Spy Klaus Fuchs; Robert's "Instant Fame" from His "Water Boiler" Reactor Calculations; The One-Dollar Patents at Los Alamos; Understanding Large Explosions such as the Volcano Krakatoa; Robert's Work on the Implosion Bomb: the "Christy Gadget"; Why the "Christy Gadget" and Not the "Christy Bomb"?The Trinity Test for the Implosion DesignFirst Attempts to Prevent the Actual Use of Atomic Bombs; Firebombing vs. Atomic Bombs; Groves' Motivation for Dropping the Bombs; The Use of the Two Atomic Bombs; After the War Had Ended; Robert's Memories of His Colleagues at Los Alamos; Robert's Memories of Visitors von Neumann and Bohr; Recreational Activities at Los Alamos; The Patent for the "Water Boiler" Reactor; A 1991 Package of Declassified Information on the "Water Boiler" Reactor; A Retrospective Article in the Pasadena Star-News; Chapter 7. Opposing Nuclear Weapons ProliferationRobert's View of the "Christy gadget"The Association of Los Alamos Scientists; The Oppenheimer Trial; The Teller Handshake Incident; Security Interview of Robert in 1955, Regarding Communism; The 1963 Enrico Fermi Award for Oppenheimer; Working Towards an Atmospheric Test Ban; The Los Angeles Times Gamble; Robert Discovers the Cause of Mysterious Communication Failures; Robert's Work Towards Initiating the SALT Talks; Robert's Opposition to Higher-Tech Weapons in the Vietnam War; Chapter 8. Becoming Oppenheimer's Successor at Caltech; Working with Fermi in Chicago, and Co-Habiting with TellerLeaving for CaltechRobert F Christy was a fascinating physicist who was one of the key players in some of the most dramatic events of the 20th century.He was one of Oppenheimer's students, whom Oppenheimer hailed as "one of the best in the world." He was a co-creator of the world's first nuclear reactor and the first atom bombs, of which the most practical design was called the "Christy Gadget." Later, he became a leader in the effort to contain nuclear proliferation, leading up to the SALT talks, and headed a study on long-term health effects of radiation crucial for medical safety standards. He also made pioneAstrophysicsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryNuclear physicsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryPhysicistsUnited StatesBiographyElectronic books.AstrophysicsHistoryNuclear physicsHistoryPhysicists530.092BChristy I.-Juliana857392MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910452288603321Achieving the rare1914325UNINA