01692nam0 2200265 450 00001424720090317103814.020080710d1850----km-y0itay50------bagerDEAllgemeines nautisches Worterbuchmit SacherklarungenDeutsch, Englisch, Franzosisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch, Schwedisch, Danisch, Hollandischzu des Verfassers Handbuch der "Praktischen Seefahrtskunde" gehorigvon Eduard BobrikLeipzigVerlagsbureau1850752 p.22 cmLegatura in quarto di pelle su piatti di cartone ricoperti di c. dec. (23x16x4 cm); dorso con A. e tit. impresso in oro; ivi, inoltre, etichetta con antica segnatura; foxingUNIPARTHENOPESulla controguardia ant. antica segnatura ms.: II-T VII-3 [n.i.]; 577 g 5 [n.i.]; Ingresso n.° 231 del Registro inventario della Regia Marina Biblioteca dipartimentale di Napoli; sul r. della c. di g. ant. antiche segnature mss.: Classe I N. 248, a matita, del Registro inventario ...; class. Dewey dell'IUN: 603.304; timbro B della Reale Biblioteca di Marina; timbro della Biblioteca della Regia Marina 2° Dipartimento-NapoliUNIPARTHENOPEGermaniaLipsia623.8801421Scienza nautica (arte marinara). Linguaggi e comunicazioneBobrik,Eduard631693Due Sicilie : Ministero della guerra e della marina390Italia <regno> : Ministero della guerra<Napoli>390ITUNIPARTHENOPE20080710RICAUNIMARC000014247BORB-I-68231FB2008Allgemeines nautisches Worterbuch1202423UNIPARTHENOPE03852nam 2200865z- 450 991059507210332120231214133114.0(CKB)5680000000080807(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/92168(EXLCZ)99568000000008080720202209d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierVirus Infection in EquineBaselMDPI Books20221 electronic resource (106 p.)3-0365-5086-0 3-0365-5085-2 The increased international transportation and trade over the last few decades have increased the risk of the introduction of pathogens into new areas. Global climate change has influenced environmental conditions and the ability of pathogens to survive, and has changed the habitats of certain vectors and hosts. These processes have led to the emergence or re-emergence of various pathogens in different parts of the world, including those affecting horses. This Special Issue features some aspects regarding several well recognized as well as some new and emerging equine viral pathogens, highlighting the need for updated epidemiological data. Such surveillance is crucial for proper decision making by clinicians and by regulatory authorities. Also demonstrated by the recent global emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the development of an effective infrastructure for the rapid and effective detection and control of novel viral pathogens, as well as re-emerging ones, is essential. Horses should play an important role in such surveillance systems, not only for equine pathogens but also as sentinels to other viruses and arboviruses. As was demonstrated in several examples in this Special Issue, it is important to remember, both as clinicians and as researchers, that when facing clinical cases, even when those are common, we should remain alert to the possibility of the intrusion of unknown pathogens and, therefore, should seek a definitive diagnosis. This may allow for the early detection of emerging or re-emerging pathogens.Medicinebicsscequine coronavirushorseenteric diseaseECoVseroprevalenceequinevirusesloop-mediated isothermal amplificationinsulated isothermal polymerase chain reactionfield-deployablepoint-of-care testingHuculsviral statusimmunological statusequine viral diseasesEHV-1EHV-4ELISAVNTMoroccoequine parvovirusesequine parvovirus hepatitisequine parvovirus CSFequine copivirusnasal fluidbloodqPCRsick equidshealthy horsesgammaherpesvirushorsesrespiratory diseaseequine herpesvirus 1, -2, -4, -5equine influenzaquantitative PCRequine encephalosis virusEEVepidemiologyclinical diseasecontrolCulicoidesSARS-CoV-2nasal secretionsMedicineSteinman Amiredt1293810Erster OranedtSteinman AmirothErster OranothBOOK9910595072103321Virus Infection in Equine3041194UNINA