01211nam0 22002891i 450 UON0052668920241111034031.60978-10-09-26090-920241111d2023 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||Fatwa and the making and renewal of Islamic lawfrom the classical period to the presentOmer AwassCambridgeCambridge University Press2023xii, 294 p.24 cmDiritto islamicoFatwaUONC060201FIDiritto islamicoFatwaStoriaUONC104205FIDiritto islamicoStoriaUONC104204FIARA XVSTATI ARABI - DIRITTO, LEGISLAZIONE, GIURISPRUDENZAAAwassOmerUONV2963351774454Cambridge University PressUONV245943650ITSOL20241115RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00526689SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA XV 200 N SI 51873 5 200 N Fatwa and the making and renewal of Islamic law4286616UNIOR