00958nam1 22001931i 450 UON0050031720231205105411.59620191112d1989 |0itac50 baengIT|||| |||||ˆA ‰critical and historical corpus of Florentine paintingby Richard Offner with Klara Steinwegcontinued under the direction of Miklós Boskovits and Mina GregoriNew YorkThe college of fine arts, New York university ; [poi] FlorenceGiunti-Barbèra[poi] Giuntivolumi31 cm.001UON005002062001 ˆThe ‰school of the St. Cecilia Masterby Richard Offner205 A new ed. with additional notes and bibliographyby Miklós Boskovits210 FlorenceGiunti Barbera1986215 309 p.ill.31 cm.(1)ITSOL20240220RICAUON00500317Critical and historical Corpus of Florentine painting1531308UNIOR