01499nam0 22003251i 450 UON0049601320231205105353.359978-28-575-7077-620190626d2017 |0itac50 baengFR|||| 1||||Individual itineraries and the spatial dynamics of knowledgescience, technology and medicine in China, 17th-20th centuriesedited by Catherine JamiParisCollège de France, Institut des hautes études chinoises2017X, 404 p.ill.25 cmCIN XVIII 060 NUON00013465001UON000134652001 Bibliotheque de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises39 CIN XVIII 060 NSCIENZECINASTORIAUONC007919FIMEDICINACinaStoriaUONC080317FITECNOLOGIACINASTORIAUONC095209FIFRParisUONL002984CIN XVIIICINA - SCIENZE PURE ED APPLICATEAJAMICatherineUONV010503College de France, Institut des Hautes Etudes ChinoisesUONV246221650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00496013SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CIN XVIII 060 N SI 30515 7 060 N Individual itineraries and the spatial dynamics of knowledge1557712UNIOR