01340nam0 22002891i 450 UON0048912620231205105324.48034-960081-5-620180611d1986 |0itac50 baengDE|||| |||||Figuring African tradeproceedings of the Symposium on the Quantification and Structure of the Import and Export and Long Distance Trade in Africa 1800-1913G. Liesegang, H. Pasch, A. Jones (eds.)BerlinD. Reimerc1986xiii, 685 p.ill.21 cmAfricaCommercioStoria1800-1913CongressiUONC093881FIDEBerlinUONL003157381.096COMMERCIO IN AFRICA21LIESEGANGGerhardUONV067511Symposium on the Quantification and Structure of the Import and Export and Long Distance Trade in Africa 1800-19131983 ; StAugustinUONV239536756347Dietrich *ReimerUONV258022650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00489126SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI A Afr LING 332 SI 26008 7 332 Figuring African trade1524507UNIOR