01502nam0 22003011i 450 UON0041213020231205104745.24320121019d1967 |0itac50 baengGMHLATUS|||| |||||Middle High German Translation of the Summa Theologicaby Thomas Aquinasedited with a Latin-German and a German-Latin Glossary by Bayard Quincy Morgan and Friedrich Wilhelm StrothmannNew YorkAMS Press Inc.1967400 p.23 cm. Publication of this volume was aided by a subsidy from the American Council of learned Societies.001UON002993752001 Stanford University Publications. University Series. Language and Literature210 New YorkGordian Press.VIII, 1TEOLOGIAMedioevoUONC081110FIUSNew YorkUONL000050234.1Teologia cristiana21AQUINASThomasUONV210743709111MORGANBayard QuincyUONV210744STROTHMANNFriedrich WilhelmUONV210745AMS PressUONV246591650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00412130SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI TED 18 I AQU 1 SI LO 41662 5 1 BuonoMiddle High German Translation of the Summa Theologica1343684UNIOR