01004nam0 22002651i 450 UON0041184420231205104744.9720121015d1965 |0itac50 bagmhDE||||0 |||||Die Gedichte Walthers von der VogelweideWalther von der VogelweideBerlinDe Gruyter & Co.1965196 p.22 cm.POESIA TEDESCA ANTICAUONC044996FIDEBerlinUONL003157831Poesia tedesca21WALTHER : von der VogelweideUONV169775443998De GruyterUONV248587650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00411844SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI TED 17 I VOG 4 SI ST 1872 5 4 BuonoGedichte Walthers von der Vogelweide1040922UNIOR01559nam0 22003131i 450 UON0033411620231205104232.14090-272-0898-020090928d1983 |0itac50 baengNL|||| |||||A glance at the history of linguistics with particular regard to the historical study of phonologyHolger Pedersenedited with an introduction by Konrad Koernertrad. di Caroline C. HenriksenAmsterdamPhiladelphiaJohn Benjamins Publishing Company1983XXXII, 102 p.22 cm.001UON001014242001 Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Series 3. : Studies in the History of Language SciencesGeneral editor Konrad Koerner7LINGUISTICAStoriaUONC018403FIUSPhiladelphiaUONL000152NLAmsterdamUONL001817PEDERSENHolgerUONV085952164884HENRIKSENCaroline C.UONV189462KOERNERKonradUONV030700John Benjamins Publishing CompanyUONV256739650ITSOL20250214RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00334116SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 17 0113 SI LO 54401 5 0113 BuonoGlance at the history of linguistics with particular regard to the historical study of phonology487142UNIOR