01071nam0 22002651i 450 UON0039844020231205104645.64720111014d1969 |0itac50 balitENGNL|||| 1||||Old Lithuanian texts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with a glossaryedited by Gordon B. Ford, JRThe HagueMouton196943 p.22 cm.LETTERATURA LITUANAUONC079387FINLThe HagueUONL003225891.92LETTERATURA LITUANA22FORDGordon B.UONV170877Mouton & Co.UONV246360650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00398440SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SL FL 11 0108 SI SL 2225 5 0108 BuonoOLD Lithuanian texts of the sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries with a Glossary571220UNIOR