01520nam0 22003131i 450 UON0038906820231205104603.116978-97-540-9570-820110301d2010 |0itac50 baengTR|||| 1||||Reflections upon the officer and commanderStaff lt. colonel Mustafa KemalAnkaraTurkish General Staff Military History and Strategic Studies Directorate Publications2010193 p.ill.16 x 24 cmTUR IV 271 NUON00389073001UON003890732001 Turkish General Staff Printing House210 AnkaraTurkish General Staff Military History and Strategic Studies Directorate Publications200- . -2010/7 TUR IV 271 NATATÜRK, Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938)UONC009444FITURCHIASTATISTIBIOGRAFIEUONC069598FITRAnkaraUONL000083TUR IVTURCHIA - STORIAAATATÜRKMustafa KemalUONV010651637512Turkish General Staff Military History and Strategic Studies Directorate PublicationsUONV277816650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00389068SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI TUR IV 272 N SI SA 128685 5 272 N Reflections upon the officer and commander1355098UNIOR01974nam0 22003491i 450 UON0029964220231205103958.46920070723d1813 |0itac50 baengGB|||||||||z |||||||||ˆThe ‰plays of Philip Massinger. 4.: The city madam ; The guardian ; A very woman ; The bashful lover ; The old law / with notes critical and explanatory by W. GiffordLondonG. and W. Nicol [etc.]1813598 p.22 cm.Provenienza: Casborne, SpringIT-UONSI ANTA XIX/0085001UON002996462001 ˆThe ‰bashful loverPhilip Massingerwith notes critical and explanatory by W. Gifford001UON002996432001 ˆThe ‰city madamPhilip Massingerwith notes critical and explanatory by W. Gifford001UON002996442001 ˆThe ‰guardianPhilip Massingerwith notes critical and explanatory by W. Gifford001UON002996472001 ˆThe ‰old lawPhilip Massingerwith notes critical and explanatory by W. Gifford001UON002996452001 ˆA ‰very womanPhilip Massingerwith notes critical and explanatory by W. GiffordGBLondonUONL003044820Letteratura inglese e antico inglese21MASSINGERPhilipUONV169857166729GIFFORDWilliamUONV116217CasborneSpringUONV296295320IT-UONSI ANTA XIX/0085G. and W. NicolUONV273663650ITSOL20241108RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00299642SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ANT A XIX 0085 SI LO 70852 7 0085 Plays of Philip Massinger. 4.: The city madam ; The guardian ; A very woman ; The bashful lover ; The old law1380628UNIOR01018nam0 22002771i 450 UON0005472720231205102241.70520020107d1942 |0itac50 baitaIT||||p |||||ˆLa ‰Cina e il mondo occidentaleE.R. HughesTorinoEinaudi1942X, 231 p.22 cmCINASTORIAINFLUSSI OCCIDENTALIUONC017907FIRELAZIONI CULTURALICina/EuropaUONC017924FIITTorinoUONL000014CIN IVCINA - STORIAAHUGHESE. R.UONV026353652607EinaudiUONV246211650ITSOL20241122RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00054727SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CIN IV 117 N SI SA 95507 5 117 N Cina e il mondo occidentale1151887UNIOR