03211nac# 22002891i 450 UON0033739620231205104244.94720091012f |0itac50 baGB|||| |||||b||||||||||ˆThe ‰Coole editionGerrards CrossSmythe001UON003372542001 Visions and beliefs in the west of Irelandcollected and arranged by Lady Gregorywith two essays and notes by W.B. Yeatswith a foreword by Elizabeth Coxhead210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1970215 365 p.ill.24 cm.1001UON003373122001 Sir Hugh Lanehis life and legacyLady Gregorywith a foreword by James White210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1973215 324 p.ill.23 cm.10001UON003373062001 ˆA ‰book of saints and wonders put down here by Lady Gregory according to the old writings and the memory of the people of Irelandwith illustrations by Margaret Gregoryforeword by Edward Malins210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1971215 116 p.ill.24 cm.12001UON003372642001 Gods and fighting menthe story of the Tuatha De Danaan and of the Fianna of Irelandarranged and put into English by Lady Gregorywith a preface by W.B. Yeatsforeword by Daniel Murphy210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1970215 367 p.ill.24 cm.3001UON003372752001 Our Irish theatrea chapter of autobiographyLady Gregorywith a foreword by Roger McHugh210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1972215 279 p.ill.23 cm.4001UON003372822001 ˆThe ‰collected plays. 1.: The comedies of Lady Gregory, being the first volume of the collected playsedited and with a foreword by Ann Saddlemyer210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1970215 xviii, 304 p., 4 c. di tav.ill.24 cm.5001UON003373212001 ˆThe ‰collected plays. 2.: The tragedies and tragic-comedies of Lady Gregory, being the second volume of the collected playsedited and with a foreword by Ann Saddlemyer210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1970215 xvii, 361 p.ill.24 cm.6001UON003373302001 ˆThe ‰collected plays. 3.: the wonder and supernatural plays of Lady Gregory, being the third volume of the collected playsedited and witha foreword by Ann Saddlemyer210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1970215 xvii, 434 p.ill.24 cm.7001UON003373402001 ˆThe ‰collected plays. 4.: The translations and adaptations of Lady Gregory and her collaborations with Douglas Hyde and W.B. Yeats being the fourth volume of the collected playsedited and with a foreword by Ann Saddlemyer210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1970215 xix, 376 p.ill.24 cm.8001UON003373162001 ˆThe ‰Kiltartan books comprising the Kiltartan poetry history and wonder booksLady Gregoryillustrated by Robert and Margaret Gregoryforeword by Padraic Colum210 Gerrards CrossColin Smythe1971215 213 p.ill.24 cm.9ITSOL20240220RICAUON00337396Coole edition3888592UNIOR