01361nam0 22003251i 450 UON0031683920231205104122.50605-218-4595-520081023d2007 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||Commentary on Plato's Timaeus. Volume 3., book 3., part 1. : Proclus on the World's Bodytranslated with an introduction and notes by Dirk BaltzlyCambridgeUniversity Press2007xii, 205 p.24 cmin ingleseUON00378086001UON003780862001 Proclus on the World's Bodyin inglesePLATONEOpereTimeoCommentariUONC070251FIGBCambridgeUONL000022184FILOSOFIA PLATONICA21PROCLUS : DiadochusUONV056334293179BALTZLYDirkUONV181185Cambridge University PressUONV245943650PROCLUS : AtheniensisPROCLUS : DiadochusUONV060828ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00316839SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI T 1 PLAT 01304 SI MC 32054 7 Commentary on Plato's Timaeus942448UNIOR