01379nac# 22003011i 450 UON0031382020231205104108.2791384-216120080714f |0itac50 baNL|||| |||||b||||||||||Journal for the study of JudaismEditor John J. CollinsSEB IV A 091 NUON00423223SEB III 091 NUON00311342AcronimoUON00386589001UON004232232001 Temple restoration in early Achaemenid JudahBy Peter Ross Bedford210 LeidenBrill2001215 XIII, 369 p.25 cm65 SEB IV A 091 N001UON003113422001 Law in the documents of the Judaean desertEdited by Ranon Katzoff, David Schaps210 LeidenBrill2005215 VIII, 244 p.25 cm96 SEB III 091 N001UON003187312001 ˆThe ‰Early Enoch literatureedited by Gabriele Boccaccini, John J. Collins210 LeidenBrill2007215 x, 367 p.25 cmvol. 121UON00377901Supplements to the Journal for the study of JudaismUON00386589JSJSNLLeidenUONL003056COLLINSJohn J.UONV028405BrillUONV245886650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00313820Journal for the study of Judaism1321610UNIOR