01479nam0 22003371i 450 UON0028523820231205103857.63408-15-62976-120061211d2002 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||Intersectionsgender, Nation, and community in Arab women's novels/ edited by Suhair Majaj, Paula W. Sundermann, and Therese SalibaSyracuseSyracuse University Press2002xxx, 287 p.23 cm001UON000674552001 Gender, culture, and politics in the Middle EastSeries editors: Leila Ahmed, Miriam Cooke, Simona SharoniROMANZI ARABIStoria e criticaUONC019833FISCRITTRICI ARABEUONC020146FIFEMMINISMO E LETTERATURAPaesi ArabiUONC062008FIDONNECondizioni socialiPaesi arabiUONC062010FIUSSyracuse, N.Y.UONL001224MAJAJLisa S.UONV098635SALIBAThereseUONV166408SUNDERMANPaula W.UONV166407Syracuse University PressUONV251332650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00285238SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA Afr VI C b x 124 SI AA 28399 5 124 Intersections174380UNIOR