01438nam0 22003131i 450 UON0027749120231205103822.89120060524d1968 |0itac50 baengUS||||e |||||ˆA ‰dictionary of actors and of other persons associated with the public representation of plays in England before 1642by Edwin NungezerNew York : Greenwood Press1968438 p.23 cmEd. orig.: Yale University Press, c1929.ARTISTI DI TEATRODizionari biograficiUONC056962FIBIOGRAFIEUONC058042FIATTORI INGLESIDizionari biograficiUONC059597FITEATRO INGLESEStoriaDizionariUONC059598FIUSNew YorkUONL000050792.092Rappresentazioni sceniche. Persone associate al soggetto21NUNGEZEREdwinUONV133146529527Greenwood PressUONV246063650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00277491SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI S.C V BIO 32 SI LO 23696 6 32 Dictionary of actors and of other persons associated with the public representation of plays in England before 16421242899UNIOR